Movie Request by Aston
Genre: Animation | Action | Sci-Fi
Played by: Takahiro Sakurai, Ayumi Ito and Shotaro Morikubo
The film tells two years after the events of Final Fantasy VII, a disease called Geostigma spread across the planet. The disease is believed to be caused by foreign material that invade the body, due to events in Final Fantasy VII two years ago. Guilt and haunted by his past, ex-SOLDIER Cloud Strife choose to live alone, away from his friends while working on the "Strife Delivery Service", which is based in the location bar Tifa Lockheart, Seven Heaven. Seven Heaven also care for children affected by Geostigma.
Here, Tifa adopted child lived with Marlene Barret and Denzel (one child affected by Geostigma), while Barret look for alternative energy to replace Mako energy. One day, Cloud got a call from Shira Company, president of the Shinra Company wants to protect Cloud from three mysterious men, one of them named Kadaj, they're looking for "Mother", and they believe that Cloud knows where they can find it.
Who is actually the third person? What is meant by "Mother"? What are associated with the rise of Sephiroth?
Part 1 : DOWNLOAD 1
Part 2 : Download 2
Part 3 : Download 3
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