Genre: Action | Drama | Sci-Fi
Played By: James Franco, Andy Serkis and Freida Pinto
Story Summary RISE OF THE FILM Planet of the Apes (2011):
One of the basic human nature is the desire to be more and do more. Sometimes, this same desire that led to humans trapped in a much more complicated problem again. Starting from the desire for healing Alzheimer's disease is all this calamity began.
Will Rodman (James Franco) is a scientist who tries to find a cure for a disease that can not be cured of this. Will not be drug tested the results of this study directly in humans. Before everything is certainly safe for humans, this drug should be tested on monkeys first. One of the monkeys that are used as the test is what would later become the leader of a revolution that distort everything.
When Will the research results of the drug, an ape named Caesar suddenly mutates rapidly. Will then try to run it from the laboratory Caesar because Caesar did not want to be treated cruelly. Unfortunately, not long before the situation became more chaotic and the monkey results of these experiments showed an increase even with a very quick wit. Did not take long until the ruling apes and humans merely slaves of them.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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