"What's Your Number?" is a comedy-drama film in 2011 directed by Mark Mylod and produced by Beau Flynn, Tripp Vinson along. The movie script was written by Gabrielle Allen with Jennifer Crittenden is adapted from a book called '20 Times a Lady 'by Karyn Bosnak. The film stars Anna Faris, Chris Evans, Joel McHale, Ari Graynor, Zachary Quinto, Andy Samberg, Anthony Mackie and Chris Pratt, was released on September 30, 2011 and distributed by 20th Century Fox.
Post-starred in a parody of horror movies, Scary Movie (2000), can be said kebintangan Anna Faris is rapidly increasing. In addition to the three sequels Scary Movie (2001, 2003 and 2004), he is also believed to take part in several other films, such as Lost in Translation (2003), The Hot Chick (2002), Brokeback Mountain (2005), and My Super Ex- Girlfriend (2006). The ability of the stomach churning again tested when he believed held the lead role in The House Bunny (2008). In this film, Faris successfully demonstrated comedic talent. This time, through the mempertemukannya movie with Chris Evans, aka Captain America, it could be Faris comedy acting career will be more lifted and he would hold the title Queen of Rom-Com along with Khaterine Heigi.
Romantic comedy-drama formula like this seems predictable and have often repeated, live acting and chemistry cast into the tip of the spear. In this film, Faris and Evans was the one. Evans himself was just acting as an American hero in a summer movie Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), so this movie could be a little pengendur suspense before the hype of The Avengers began to increase. Like the films adapasi chiklit, What's Your Number on the paper should be seeded. In addition to already have a pretty solid foundation story, the story itself can be said to be already well known, particularly for women who love to read novels of this genre. 20 Times a Lady Books will later be re-released with titles that are tailored to the title of the film and we can be sure that the cover will also be replaced following the movie poster.
Release date is also colliding with some holiday films that have been waiting for this movie so it is possible to reap a tidy profit before crushed by the great movies that release at the end of the year.
This film tells the story of Ally Darling (Anna Faris) who look back on his past relationship with 20 men and wondered if one of them is true love? With the help of neighbors named Colin (Chris Evans), Ally trying to find back the ex. Of course, the help is not free because Ally itself should help Colin avoid ex-boyfriend who happened to live one apartment with Ally.
(Source: CINEMAGS Magazine)
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